- By: CynoInfotech Team
- Platform: Laravel
- Email: info@cynoinfotech.com
Server Requirements
- PHP 7.4+
- MySQL 5.6+
- Intl PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
Installing Laravel - Advanced Files & Users Management
Step 1: Extract and Upload
Unzip the downloaded archive package. Rename the Lafum
directory to your desired directory name and upload the directory to your web server through FTP or Control Panel.
Step 2: Creating Database
Create a database for Lafum through your server control panel. If your server has phpMyAdmin, then you can also create a database using phpMyAdmin.
Step 3: Run Installation Wizard
Go to your website address, then you'll see an installation wizard.
Requirements page checks if your server meets the requirements and has the correct directory permissions to Application.
Directories within the storage and the bootstrap/cache directories should be writable by your web server or Application will not run.
You need to fill the database connection details, admin user details, and site details, then click the Install button to install Application.
You'll see a success message after successfully installing Application.
Files Manager
After successfully Signed In user redirect to file manager.
Here you can upload new files and manage already upload files.
Users can move files from one folder to another folder, share files, download multiple files zip, download folder zip.
When user click Dashboard menu in the header it will redirect to the Dashboard panel
Filter Files By folder
All upload Files are listed under the Files menu.
Edit File Name and Description:-
User can click on the row to edit File details
In order to Preview a File click the view button in a row.
View File Description
Share Files:-
Select one or multiple files using the checkbox and click on Share button to Generate a Share link.
Step 1
Enter password if you want to generate a link to password-protected or leave it blank
Step 2
you can share this generated link with user/guest and you will send email of link to the users using below form
When user/guest click on generated link, the user/guest can view sharing file list
Upload New File
You can upload new files from the Upload menu.
You can drag & drop files in the area to upload as many files as you want.
You can select the upload drive from folder list.
You can upload file with Allowed extensions and size up to Your maximum file size
Users can create a new folder if the user has permission to create a folder.
File Folder
You can manage and create files upload folders from the File Folder menu.
Create New File Folder:-
- Name: The name of the folder.
- Assign To All: Assign this new folder to all users. This setting is overridden by user file setting
- Status: Status
- Public Download: Enable download files without login inside this folder from share links. by default you need to login for download files
All available users are listed under the Users menu.
Create User:-
Navigate to Users > Create User to create a new user
You can manage what a user can do in your system by creating roles or choosing permissions for the specific user. By default, user permissions are inherited from the roles
Role permissions and user-specific permissions are merged together to determine the user's ability. When permissions are merged together user-specific permissions will always have more priority than role permissions. So, if you want to give a user all permissions from a role except one, then choose the role for the user, and Deny the specific permission.
Files Settings
- Maximum File Size (In MB): Maximum file size for upload new file. ex :10
- File Extension: Select file types which the user can upload
- File Folder: Select folder where user can upload files. sub-folder automatically assign when you select the main folder
- Note: Users can view all files inside the assigned folders. admin can manage the auto-assign folder's files for the setting. also, User can delete files of another user inside the assign folder's. admin can manage the delete assign folder's files for the setting.
Edit User:-
User can click on the row to edit user recorded
All available users roles are listed under the Roles menu.
Create Role:-
Navigate to Roles > Create Role to create a new role
Role-specific permissions are a good way to give permissions to multiple users at once. You can override role permissions from the user-specific permissions for any user.
Edit Role:-
User can click on the row to edit role recorded
- Site Name: Site name.
- Site Logo: Site Logo.
- Site Email: Site Email.
- Supported Locales: Supported locales of your site.
- Default Locale: The default locale of your site.
- Default Timezone: The default timezone of your site .
- New User Role: Role of the user when they register.
- Enable Registrations: You can enable/disabled user Registrations.
- Auto Approve New Members?: If the checkbox is checked user will automatically be approved after Registration. if not then the admin user needs to approve the user.
- Welcome Email: Send an welcome email to the user when they register.
- Auto assign folder's files: User can view all files inside the assign folder's
- Delete assign folder's files: User can delete files of another user inside the assign folder's
- Maximum File Size (In MB) : Default Maximum file size for upload fiele .
- Enable Files Download: Enable files download button. If yes then users can download the files.
- Enable File Preview Button: Display preview button on file listing
- Enable Files Move Actions: User can move the files from one folder to another folder.
- Enable Files Share Actions: User can share the files with other.
- Mail From Address: This mail from address is used for all kind of emails.
- Mail From Name: This mail from name is used for all kind of emails.
- Mail Host: The host of your SMTP server.
- Mail Port: The Port of your SMTP server.
- Mail Username: The Username of your SMTP server.
- Mail Password: The Password of your SMTP server.
Custom JS/CSS
- Google Analytics Code: Enter Google Analytics Code.
- Custom JS: Enter Custom Js here. This custom JS added to the Footer.
- Custom CSS:Enter Custom CSS here. This custom CSS added to the header.
Social Logins
Advertisement Settings
Ad Blocks
- Enable: Enable Ad Block 1.
- Ad Block 1: Enter Advertisement code.
- Enable: Enable Ad Block 2.
- Ad Block 2: Enter Advertisement code.
Change Logs
Version: 2.0.2
- Update:Update to Laravel 8.83.18.
- Added:: Filter Files By folder .
- Fixed: Actual file is not deleted from storage
- Fixed: Minor bug fixed
Version: 2.0.1
- New: Social Logins with Facebook and Google.
- New: User Profile Photo.
- New: New security option for enabling download files without login inside this folder
- New: Add New Setting for Theme
- New: Add New Setting for Site Logo.
- New: Add New Setting for Enable File Preview button
- New: Add New Setting for Enable Files Download
- New: Add New Setting for Enable Files Move Actions
- New: Add New Setting for Enable Files Share Actions
- Fixed: The page title is not change.
- Fixed: File manager page upload permission issue.
- Fixed: Files are not renamed when downloading folder.
- Fixed: The responsive issue in mobile with more action.
Version: 2.0.0
- New: Share folder and inside files with another user.
- New: Setting for Auto-assign folders files and Delete assign folder's files.
- New: Move files one folder to another folder
- New: Download multiple files zip and Download folder zip
- New: Users can create a new folder from the file manager.
- New: Display upload path above the upload box
- New: Download Zip of all files from share links
- New: Tree view for manage folder
- Improved: Share file functionality.
- Fixed: Translations are not saving issues.
- Fixed: Activity log issues.
- Fixed: minor bug fixed.
Version: 1.0.1
- New: Add files manager panel
- New: Edit file name and description
- New: Add option in settings for custom css and js.
- New: Add option in settings for Google Analytics Code.
- New: Add option in settings for Ad Blocks.
- Improved: In upload New file layout.
- Fixed: minor bug fixed.
Version: 1.0.0
- init
- Demo Link: http://lavdemo.cssfloat.net/Lafum/public/
- Admin Email: admin@gmail.com
- Admin Password: admin123
- User Email: demo@gmail.com
- Password: demo123