- By: CynoInfotech Team
- Platform: Laravel
- Email: info@cynoinfotech.com
Server Requirements
Before you install eBook make sure your server meets the following requirements:
- PHP 8.0.2+
- MySQL 5.6+
- Intl PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
Installing eBooks
We have also provided a installation video.
Step 1: Create a database for eBook
- In order to install the eBook on your server, first you need to create a database.
- If you already know how to create a database, then you can skip the below steps.
- To create the database first, you need to login to the cPanel server and click on the
MySQL® Database Wizard
link in the "Database" section. - Please follow and enter the database details as guided.
- Create the "Database Name" by typing it in the input field and click on the "Next Step" button.
- Enter the "Database User Name" and "Password" by typing them in the input fields and click on the "Create User" button.
- Now give all privileges by clicking on the "ALL PRIVILEGES" check box and then click on the "Next Step" button.
- Now you have successfully created your database.
Database Name
,Database User Name
, and Password
and enter them exactly when installing the eBook; otherwise, you will receive a 500 | SERVER ERROR page
.Step 2: Upload files on your server
- Assuming that you have created a database, now upload project files that you have downloaded from CodeCanyon to the web root folder of your domain. It's mostly located in html, www or public_html folder name.
- Unzip the uploaded archive zip. Move all the files from
folder to the web root folder of your domain - You need update below variables in php.ini file (Optional)
memory_limit = 512M
upload_max_filesize = 50M
max_execution_time = 180
post_max_size = 100M
max_input_time = 180
from the URL, please follow these steps (Click Here) as well before step 3
Step 3: Set write permissions
Set 755 permission (CHMOD) to these files and folders directory within all children subdirectories:
Step 4: Run Installation Wizard
- Now open your site's URL in the browser. Ex:
. That will automatically redirect your site URL to, for example,https://yoursite.com/install
- Now follow the "installation wizard" instructions to complete the application installation
- Click on the “Check Requirements & Permissions” button on the "Welcome Screen". That will redirect you to the “Requirements” tab.
- Requirements page checks if your server meets the minimum requirements and has the correct directory permissions to setup eBook.The server's minimum requirements & directory permissions are listed in the above image.
- If your server meets these requirements and directory permissions,the installation will direct you to the next step
and the bootstrap/cache
directories should be writable by your web server or eBook
will not run.Configuration
- You need to fill the database connection details, admin user details, and site details, then click the
Save & Install
button to install eBook.
- After completing the installation, you will get the You'll see a success message after successfully installing eBook. Now You have the option to browse your Home page or log into the admin panel.
Install our script on a subfolder and remove /public
from the URL.
Example: www.example.com/eBook
Our script is based on Laravel framework, so the root folder is /public
With normal installation, you will have to access to www.example.com/eBook/public
to see your site.
Will need to modify source code to make it work on subfolder without public.
Follow steps
1. Move all files from public
to your folder (/eBook) root.
2. Open file /eBook/index.php
and change to point to your folder (/eBook)
require __DIR__.'/../eBook/vendor/autoload.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../eBook/bootstrap/app.php';
3. Open file /eBook/config/filesystems.php
and change public_storage
'public_storage' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => public_path('storage'),
'url' => env('APP_URL') . '/public/storage',
'visibility' => 'public',
Reference: https://laravel-news.com/subfolder-install
Admin Panel
Admin panel is the place where you can manage eBooks, categories, pages, and much more. You can also customize the look of your site from the admin panel.
To access the admin panel add /admin
after your website address. For example if your website address is "www.example.com"
, then your admin panel is located at "www.example.com/admin"
Now you have to enter your email and password that you've provided during the installation process. After pressing the Sign In
button, then you'll redirect to the dashboard.
You can create, edit and see a tree of categories from the Categories menu.
Create Category:-
- Name (translatable): The name of the category.
- Status: Enable the category by checking this checkbox. Only enabled categories can be used.
Create Subcategory:-
In order to create a subcategory select a category, then click on the Add Subcategory
button. After saving the subcategory you'll see a nested category under the root category.
You can create as many subcategory as you want.
You can drag & drop the category to change the order of category and parent of the subcategory.
All eBooks are listed under the eBooks menu.
In order to edit a eBooks click the eBooks row in the table.
Create eBook:-
Navigate to eBooks > Create eBook to create a new eBook.
- Title (translatable): The name of the eBook.
- User: Select the name of the user who uploaded this eBook.
- Categories: You can organize eBook by adding categories to it.
- Authors: Select ebook authors from available list. Try entering an author that isn't listed in the dropdown - you'll be able to add it as a new author! Type new author name and press enter key to add.
- Publisher Name (translatable): The Publisher name of the eBook .
- Publication Year: The Publication Year of the eBook.
- Password Protected: If you want to create password protected eBook then enter password.
- ISBN Number: Enter the International Standard Book Number.
- Featured: Featured the eBook by checking this checkbox.
- Price: eBook price .
- Buy URL: Buy now URL.
- Private: Private the eBook by checking this checkbox. only login user can view this private eBook
- Status: Enable the eBook by checking this checkbox. User will only see the enabled eBook.
- Description (translatable): The description of the eBook.
- Short Description (translatable): The Short description of the eBook.
eBook Cover Image & file
- Book Cover Image: Select Book cover image of the eBook.
- File Type: Select the ebook file type. There are four options available - upload, multiple audio files, external URL and embed code
- eBook File: Based on File Type options you can upload the eBook file, Only pdf, epub, doc, docx, txt, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, mp3, wav files are allowed. or you can enter the URL of the file. or you can enter the embed code.
For audio books, you can upload multiple files
- Meta Title (translatable)
- Meta Keywords (translatable)
- Meta Description (translatable)
You can create as many custom page as you want. You can create an About us page or a Privacy Policy page to give your user a better knowledge of your site.
You can also add a link of your custom page to the navigation menu. You'll learn how to customize the navigation menu later in this guide
In order to edit a page click the row in the table.
Create Page:-
Navigate to Pages > Create Page to create a new page.
- Name (translatable): The name of the page.
- Body (translatable): The content of the page.
- Status: Enable the page by checking this checkbox.
- Meta Title (translatable)
- Meta Keywords (translatable)
- Meta Description (translatable)
All users are listed under the Users menu.
In order to edit a user click the row in the table.
Create User:-
Navigate to Users > Create User to create a new user
You can manage what a user can do in your system by creating roles or choosing permissions for the specific user. By default, user permissions are inherited from the roles
Role permissions and user-specific permissions are merged together to determine the user's ability. When permissions are merged together user-specific permissions will always have more priority than role permissions. So, if you want to give a user all permissions from a role except one, then choose the role for the user, and Deny the specific permission.
All users roles are listed under the Roles menu.
In order to edit a role click the row in the table.
Create Role:-
Navigate to Roles > Create Role to create a new role
Role-specific permissions are a good way to give permissions to multiple users at once. You can override role permissions from the user-specific permissions for any user.
You can create multiple sliders for your site, then switch between them anytime you like.
Navigate to Theme Settings > General Settings > General to switch home page slider
In order to edit a Sliders click the row in the table.
Create Slider:-
Navigate to Sliders > Create Slider to create a new Slider
Slides Options
- Site Name: Site Name.
- Site Email: Site Email.
- Supported Locales: Supported locales of your site.
- Default Locale: The default locale of your site.
- Default Timezone: The default timezone of your site .
- New User Role: Role of the user when they register from front-end.
- Enable Registrations: Allow new user registrations.
- Send Welcome Email: Send an welcome email to the user when they register from front-end.
- Auto Approve New Member: Approve Member automatically When they register from front-end
- Cookie Bar: enable/disable Cookie bar
Admin Theme
- Enable Front-end eBook upload: Allow user to upload new an eBook from front-end.
- Auto Approve eBook: Auto Approve eBook after upload.
- Auto Approve eBook Reviews: User reviews will be approved automatically.
- Enable eBook Report button: Display Report button in eBook detail page.
- Enable eBook Download button: Display Download button in eBook detail page.
- Reading books by members only: User must be login into their account to read the book.
- Enable Comment: Allow user to comment on ebook.
- eBook Listing View Mode: change default view(grid/list) for eBooks listing page.
- E-Mail From Address: This mail from address is used for all kind of emails.
- E-Mail From Name: This mail from name is used for all kind of emails.
- E-Mail Host: The host of your SMTP server.
- E-Mail Port: The Port of your SMTP server.
- E-Mail Username: The Username of your SMTP server.
- E-Mail Password: The Password of your SMTP server.
Custom CSS/JS
- Google Analytics Code:.
- Custom JS: Custom js code. This custom JS added to the Footer.
- Custom CSS: Custom CSS. This custom CSS added to the header
Social Logins - Facebook
Social Logins - Google
Theme Settings - Cynoebook
Navigate to Theme Settings for theme setting
- Theme: Select theme color for frontend.
- Mail Theme: Select mail theme color.
- Layout: Select front end layout.There are two option - Slider Layout and Banner Image .
- Slider: Select Slider for display on the home page. This slider only display if the Layout is Slide.
- Privacy Policy Page: Select the privacy policy page for your site.
- Footer Section One: Footer Summary, short description of your site.
- Footer Section Two Title: Title text for the second footer section.
- Footer Section Two:Put your custom HTML for the second footer section.
- Footer Copyright Text: You can use
, andyear
variable in copyright text. Wrap the variable inside mustache like below.
{{ site_name }}
- Favicon: Set favicon for your site.
- Header Logo: Set header logo for your site.
- Footer Logo: Set footer logo for your site .
- Mail Logo: Set mail logo for your site .
- Primary Menu: Primary menu of the site.
- Category Menu Title (translatable)
- Category Menu:Category menu of the site
- Footer Menu 1 Title (translatable)
- Footer Menu 1: Footer menu 1 of the site .
- Footer Menu 2 Title (translatable)
- Footer Menu 2: Footer menu 2 of the site .
Social Links
Social links are shown in the footer of the website.
Contact Page Info
Contact page right side information
Home page meta data
- Meta Title (translatable)
- Meta Keywords (translatable)
- Meta Description (translatable)
Home AD section
Featured eBook Carousel
- Section Status: Enable this section.
- Section Title (translatable): Title for the section.
- Total eBooks: Set limit for showing feature ebooks.
Banner Section
Authors Section
- Section Status: Enable this section.
- Order By: Display Order of authors. There are 3 options available "Latest", "Oldest", "Top Authors by book count"
- Section Title (translatable): Title for the section.
- Total Authors: Set limit for showing Authors.
Recent eBooks
- Section Status: Enable this section.
- Section Title (translatable): Title for the section.
- Total eBooks: Set limit for showing recent ebooks.
Popular Categories Tabs
- Section Status: Enable this section.
- Section Title (translatable): Title for the section.
- Tab Title: Tab Title.
- Tab Category:Selected category eBooks are displayed in this tab.
- Total eBooks: Set limit for showing ebooks.
Users Section
- Section Status: Enable this section.
- Order By: Display Order of users. There are 3 options available "Latest", "Oldest", "Top users by book count"
- Section Title (translatable): Title for the section.
- Total Users: Set limit for showing users.
Inspired By Your Browsing History
- Section Status: Enable this section.
- Section Title (translatable): Title for the section.
- Total ebooks: Set limit for showing ebooks.
Update Guide
- Extract the new downloaded file.
- Open eBook directory.
- Upload and replace all files except for the .env file in your server.
Change Logs
Version 2.1.1
Update: - 23 April 2024 - PHP version 8.2 support - Update to Laravel 9.52.12 Added: - Add required fields for activity log Fixed: - Fix author ownership change issues, when admin vitrified author - Fixed Typo mistake on exceptions handler - Minor bug fixed Removed: - Removed allowed_ips from maintenance mode
Version 2.1.0
Update: - 03 January 2023 - PHP version 8.1 support Added: - Disqus comments system on Books - Invisible Recaptcha - Added search by publisher, key word, target reader - Setting option for eBook embed button - Setting option for eBook Qr code button - Setting option for Enable/disable eBook file preview - Setting option for Daily eBook upload limit Fixed: - Fixed RTL issues on admin - Fixed Categories sort issues - Minor bug fixed
Version 2.0.4
Update: - 25 july 2022 - Update to Laravel 8.83.18. - Update the TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor Added: - New Fields to eBook - Book Edition, Key Word, Target Reader, Country Origin, Book Language, Number of Pages, - Add the option to add images, videos, and audios in the WYSIWYG editor. - Delete comments option in admin - Add SEO friendly URL for category eBook page - Categories listing page - Setting option for Daily eBook upload limit - Setting option for Import dummy data - Setting option for eBook Listing View Mode(Grid View/List View) - Theme setting option for Home page meta - Theme setting option for open/close categories menu dropdown - Theme Setting option for home page section Inspired By Your Browsing History Fixed: - Actual file is not deleted from storage. - Fixed issues in popular eBooks by review - Fixed issues page title of the eBook details page. - Email template header and footer links issues - In admin set page title to site name - Minor bug fixed
Version 2.0.3
Update: - 23 March 2021 - Update the Laravel version to 7.30.4 Added: - XML sitemap - Custom comments system on Books - Admin theme colors options - Newsletter subscription - Setting option for Reading books by members only - Setting option for change default view(grid/list) for eBooks listing page - Setting option for enable/disable comments - Setting option for clear cache - Setting option for enable/disable Cookie bar Fixed: - Fixed category filter issue with pagination - Fixed showing duplicate eBooks issues, when an eBook translation is available and apply "alphabetic" sort - Fixed search issues - Fixed category tree view issues in admin, when deleting parent category - Home page is not working when layout to slider and slider is not selected - Minor bug fixed
Version 2.0.2 - 16 July 2020
Added: - Upload the ebook with audio file format(.mp3 & .wav) - Multiple audio files with one book - Members only eBook (only login user can view this private eBook) - PDF viewer for internal pdf files - Add New languages Fixed: - Fixed issues in social login - Fixed issues in admin search author - Fixed issues in download ebook Improved: - Frontend theme design
Version 2.0.1 - 26 May 2020
Added: - Add new options for upload eBooks with embed code. - Added Auto-update handler Fixed: - Removed the download button for ebook with embedded code - Fixed issues in download ebook with external URL - Fixed issues in edit review
Version 2.0.0 - 29 April 2020
Added: - New Fields to eBook - ISBN number, buy url, and price - Assign multiple authors to eBook - Upload ebook with external url - On front-side added user listing page and authors listing page - New enable/disable setting option for front-side ebook upload - New enable/disable setting option for front-side download & report eBook button - New enable/disable setting option for front-side user registration - New 4 sections to the homepage - Popular Books, Author section, Popular Categories Tabs, and User section - New option for change color of slider text and button - Edit/delete the eBook from grid view & list view - Edit ebook from the reported ebook listing in Admin Changed: - eBook listing & detail page design Improved: - Frontend theme design Fixed: - Permission issue in the installation - External url issues in the menu - Translations are not saving issues - Minor bug fixed
Version 1.0.0 - 21 February 2020
Initial release
- Demo Link: http://lavdemo.cssfloat.net/eBook/public/
- Demo User Email: demo@gmail.com
- Demo User Password: demo123
- Admin Link: http://lavdemo.cssfloat.net/eBook/public/admin/
- Admin Email: admin@gmail.com
- Admin Password: admin123